UA Daily



11. 3.
Ivan Sergeevich Fedorov byl unesen ruskou armádou..

Belarus approves hosting nuclear weapons, Russian forces permanently (
 28. 2. – Bělorusko se může po zuby ozbrojit a nám budou komanči něco kázat o neutralitě Ukrajiny… 

12. 3.
What the War in Ukraine Means for the World Order | Ian Bremmer | TED – YouTube
 – TED je sice často plný pochybných infos, ale tentokrát (možná práve proto, že celá situace je sama o sobě značně protichůdná) perfect a navíc Bremmer mimo jeho brightmind je taky skvělý řečník.



Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Russia launches missiles from black sea as intense fighting continues3:31-40: “Samolet.” (myslím, že to je letadlo, tak jak samochod je auto, ale..)
Ukrajinci jsou evidentně větší flegmoši než je v bežný standad v čechách…


-Misinfo masových medií:
– dle France24 šlo o útok Rusy, ale je to nejspíše Ukrajinský tank  a šlo o nehodu.

 its a Ukranian light armored MT-LB, Strela-10, called SA-13B Gopher. the dark huge truck you can see on the other side of the road is a stolen Ural with a mounted ZU-23-2 on it, which is controlled by a Russian saboteur commando unit, wearing Ukranian uniforms. The two units engaged with each other, and the result of this short lived fight is the Ukranian MT-LB steering into the civilian, eventually crushing his car.
– he survived though.
– the MT-LB is 60 years old, and tends to oversteer and drivers often lose control with it.
– video was captured on 25th of february 2022, and being uploaded for the first time ever on twitter around 11 AM Ukranian time, Russian forces haven’t even entered Kyiv yet and they were marked with white “Z”s on all sides.

War in Ukraine: Russian Crimes & US Hypocrisy | With Retired US Colonel Wilkerson & Paul Jayulf söderberg 2 hours ago (comment): Ukraine has blocked watersupplie to Crimea since 2017. October 2021 there was a meeting in Kiev, Crimea Platform. Its goal was taking back Crimea. Participants was EU and US. In march Ukrain baught turkish drons and used them in Donbass. It was the reason for the first Russian military build up in April 2021. Russia has many reasons for what they do.